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8H45 Registration and Coffee
9H00 Opening Session
           ? João Moura, Mayor of Cantanhede, Portugal
           ? Carlos Faro, President of Biocant , Portugal
           ? Alfredo Marques, President of Regional Coordination and Development Committee
           Centre, Portugal
9H20 Biotechnology in the Atlantic Area
           ? Daniel Clément, director of the Joint Technical Secretariat of Altantic Area, Portugal
9H40 Biotechnology in Europe: Towards a knowledge-based bio economy and main challenges for the Atlantic Area
           ? Claire Skentelbery, Network Manager in Brussels of CEBR - Council of European BioRegions,
10H00 The Sharebiotech Project, including presentation of technology offer: Demonstration of the website maps
           ? Céline Quéron, ShareBiotech Project Technical Manager in CRITT Santé Bretagne / Biogenouest,
           ? Claire Augereau, European Project Manager in Bretagne Innovation (Lead Partner of the
            ShareBiotech Project), France
10H40 Needs for advanced technologies in life sciences: Results of the survey conducted by Sharebiotech partners in the Atlantic area
           ? Hugo Pinto, Knowledge Transfer Researcher in University of Coimbra and University of Algarve,
11H00 Case Studies: How technology core facilities do facilitate R&D projects in companies
           An exemple From Portugal'S Central Region:Critical Health
                     ? Joana Feijó, Innovation and Knowledge Mananger in Critical Health, Portugal
           - An exemple from Western France: The Biogenouest Synthetic Vectors Facility
12H00 Brunch/buffet and inscription in workshops
13H00 Conferences
            Life science networks communication
          Advanced life sciences techniques for marine biodiscovery and biotechnology
                     ? John Benzie, Environmental Research Institute University College Cork (UCC), Ireland
14H30 Workshops (4 parallel sessions)
Technologies for tomorrow       Structuring for the future
Session       Session
Bioinformatics and data analysis: The big issue? Concrete answers for concrete needs!
     ? Miguel Pinheiro, Bioinformatics Researcher at
       Biocant, Portugal
      Technology facilities in life sciences: towards transnational networks
     ? Horst Domdey, Managing Director of BioM
       Biotech Cluster Development GmbH,
       Martinsried, Germany
Access to biological resource centres
Bio-Economy and regional development: what policies and actions to overcome the innovation paradox?

     ? Hugo Pinto, Knowledge Transfer Researcher
       in University of Coimbra and University of
       Algarve, Portugal
16H00 Conclusion: Next steps towards a more technology intensive Atlantic area
16H30 Sparkling wine of honor